Saturday, September 22, 2012

Harvest or waiting

"What crazy roads behind the scene," says the voice that wonders how on Earth I navigate the workings of words and scenery on a cybernetic page. Sometimes, and more often than I care to admit, I have very little idea how things work here in Blog Land. Or pela, the reality is that my equipment (this laptop, the digital camera and my facility with programs) is much like the tools my dear husband uses to craft homes and build our nests. We work with ancient software and carry our tools in a cardboard box. Making do with what we have, life is just what it is and there is a comfort in knowing we pay for what we have and no more. I have been at my tiny desk attempting to download photographs into files, and when they make their way from camera to laptop I am lost as to how to reclaim them. Save for the beauty above! Somehow I did find it and put it here. Maybe, the 'Ole Moons and the energy of Mahina are trying to remind me to wait and later, this facility will come. Beautiful faces of flowers planted around us and in the orchard-- the harvest of transplants from a friend; spring Sunflower seeds warmed in the green house and Nasturiums that return for a second season. I do wonder what it will take for me to move through and up to an evolved facility with the trappings of the computer. Slowly we have built a life on a foundation that is truly, more animal than primate: we manage without high technology, yet know it will be nice when an icepack beneath the laptop is no longer necessary.

For now, the flowers are plenty to remind me of the gift of a present harvest.

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